These Colias p. vitabunda were flying with the C. gigantea? from my previous post.
(USA: Alaska: Dalton Hwy MP 302, nr Slope Mountain' el.655m 68.7180°N; 149.0137°W, 06 August 2024)
The males are fairly obvious C. p. vitabunda but the female has me wondering. Anyone have an opinion on the ID? The only other colias flying in that location so late in the season were C. palaneo chippewa.
Colias philodice vitabunda question
Colias philodice vitabunda question
- Attachments
- vitabunda question ventral ss.jpg (253.5 KiB) Viewed 478 times
- philodice vitabunda ventral s.jpg (193.76 KiB) Viewed 478 times
- philodice vitabunda s.jpg (295.79 KiB) Viewed 478 times
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