Help identifying these guys

Request help to identify insects or other creatures. Please post the location that the insect you want to identify came from, this will help greatly in species determination.
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Help identifying these guys

Post by Zulu88 »

Hi thanks for looking
I live in south east U.K.

I compared with photos and they look like Stegobium paniceum (drugstore/biscuit beetles) or hopefully not furniture beetles. Maybe I am wrong on both counts
I noticed them on the window sills 99% in one room. The other room also close to the window presumably seeking light
Since a clean window this morning 25 have appeared by now, 24 being dead
If biscuit beetles I have been cleaning a lot and cannot find a food source

I have attached a pic. I hope it is clear enough.
Thanks again
E1480090-7221-436D-855C-CC3772A5DC79.jpeg (55.86 KiB) Viewed 600 times
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