Kawahara Smithsonian Article
Kawahara Smithsonian Article
Pages ! & 2, from the latest issue:
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- Kawahara 1 small.jpg (665.52 KiB) Viewed 2989 times
- Kawahara 2 small.jpg (662.43 KiB) Viewed 2989 times
Re: Kawahara Smithsonian Article
Pages 3 & 4:
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- Kawahara 3 small.jpg (696.46 KiB) Viewed 2988 times
- Kawahara 4 small.jpg (717.94 KiB) Viewed 2988 times
Re: Kawahara Smithsonian Article
Akito was in high school when he started attending lep soc meetings. He was really interested in snout butterflies back then. He has expanded his horizons to say the least - and is the most impressive person that the McGuire Center has on staff.
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