(?Smaller) Moths in French Guiana

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(?Smaller) Moths in French Guiana

Post by jcweir »

Hi everyone,

I'm interested in planning a collecting trip to French Guiana, particularly looking at moths. I'm especially interested in filling in knowledge gaps about the smaller (and perhaps under-recorded) Lep groups in the area...

I'd appreciate any advice on a couple of points:

1) Suggestions of potential contacts or experts with knowledge of the moths of the region, particularly the smaller ('micro') families
2) Literature refences, particularly reviews/taxonomic works on the microleps in the region
3) Suggestions of key families that are under-recorded or under-studied in the region
4) Good sites/lodges to collect at!

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Re: (?Smaller) Moths in French Guiana

Post by wollastoni »


A good start would be going to Camp Pattawa lodge (in the Kaw Mountain, 2 hours from Cayenne).
Camp Pattawa is held by Odette Morvan and Jean-Aimé Cerda, 2 French entomologists who have studied the French Guiana heterocera actively. They host entomologists every months. So it is a good place to go to meet other entomologists in FG.

Other good camps I have been :
- Camp Bonaventure (forêt de Belizon)
- Amazon Nature Lodge (Kaw mountain)

I heard 2023 was very dry due to "El Nino" and thus very poor in butterflies and moths.
The year after El Nino is often very good, but sometimes (rarely) El Nino last 2 years... so if you plan to go next year, contact locals to see if El Nino phenomenon has stopped or not.

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