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Share Your Story

Post by EdTomologist »

Greetings fellow butterfly enthusiasts,

Today, I would like to take a moment to share with you the heartfelt origin of my entomology passion—a journey deeply intertwined with the loving guidance of my dear grandfather. As I reflect on the transformative experiences that have shaped my love for butterflies, I invite each of you to join me in this discussion, sharing your own stories of how your passion for these magnificent creatures took flight (Haha, see what I did there?).

Once upon a time, in a tropical paradise that seemed untouched by time, I, a young entomologist with a heart bursting with curiosity, embarked on a life-altering journey. I had always been fascinated by the wonders of the natural world, but it was during this unforgettable adventure that my love for butterflies truly took flight. As I stepped foot into the lush forest, an overwhelming sense of awe washed over me. The air was heavy with the scent of exotic flowers, their sweet fragrance mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting a golden glow on everything in its path. It was a magical place, alive with vibrant colors and teeming with life.

And then, like a dream unfolding before my eyes, the butterflies appeared. They fluttered gracefully, their wings painted with hues that defied imagination. Blues as vivid as the sky, oranges as fiery as a setting sun, and delicate pastels that whispered of secrets unknown. I was captivated, my breath catching in my chest as I watched the aerial ballet unfold.

In that moment, something stirred deep within my soul. I felt an unexplainable connection, as if these fragile creatures held the key to unlocking a world of wonder and discovery. With each butterfly that graced my vision, my passion for these winged marvels grew stronger. I yearned to understand them, to document their beauty, and to share their secrets with the world.

And so, armed with a butterfly net, a delicate touch, and a heart brimming with reverence, I began to collect. With every capture, I treated the butterflies with the utmost care and respect, ensuring their safety and preserving their natural magnificence. Each specimen held a story, a piece of the intricate puzzle that painted the tapestry of life.


As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, my collection grew. Each butterfly became a treasured jewel, carefully pinned and labeled, a testament to the diversity and splendor of nature's creations. I poured over books, studying the unique patterns and intricate details of each species, my passion burning brighter with every new discovery.

But my journey was not just about collecting butterflies. It was about understanding their habitats, their behaviors, and the delicate balance of the ecosystem they inhabited. I immersed myself in the world of butterflies, studying their life cycles, documenting their interactions with plants, and delving into the secrets hidden within their DNA.

Throughout this transformative journey, there was one person who stood by my side—my beloved grandfather. A wise and gentle soul, he had nurtured my curiosity from a young age. Together, we explored the depths of the forest, sharing stories, laughter, and an unspoken bond that words could not capture. It was a time of profound connection, and little did I know that these moments would become some of my last memories with him.

As the years passed, and the pages of my story turned, my passion for butterflies continued to bloom. My collection grew not only in size but in meaning, each butterfly representing a chapter in my journey of self-discovery and reverence for the natural world. The memories of that tropical paradise, the vibrant colors, and the shared moments with my grandfather became the fuel that ignited my unwavering commitment to protect and conserve these delicate creatures.


And so, as the sun sets on our tale, I find myself standing amidst my collection, a testament to a passion that had blossomed in that tropical haven. The butterflies, frozen in time, tell a story of curiosity, love, and the relentless pursuit of understanding. As I gaze upon my prized collection, I can't help but feel a tear trickle down my cheek, a bittersweet reminder of the profound journey that led me to this moment of heartfelt appreciation.
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by wollastoni »

Great story thank you for sharing it !

My passion for butterflies started at the age of 6 thanks to a wasp trap that my father put on the pear tree of our garden in Rennes (Brittany, France) to prevent wasps from damaging his pears (a totally illusory and useless practice but that's another subject).
One day, I see a superb red lightning in the wasp trap and discover a superb Catocala nupta.
My mother, who was a biology teacher, suggested that I make a display stand and spread it out to preserve it. This fascinated me and she quickly bought me a net and a book on the butterflies of France. I remember then going by bike in search of wonders (Colias crocea, Anthocharis cardamines, Aglais urticae...).
Years later, I became passionate about Colias, Parnassius and ... finally Delias on which I work since years now.

This wasp trap led me to the jungles of the Amazon and the mountains of Papua. Thanks to this passion, I have made many friends and traveled a lot ... and above all, I am never bored!
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by EdTomologist »

lovely story!
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by Trehopr1 »

My father has always said that my passion as an avid
insect enthusiast AND "small-game hunter" began at
the tender age of 5. At that time only dad's backyard
was my universe and because he ALWAYS loved flowers
and flower gardening we had a fair sum of things stop
at his yard and no-one else's.

Naturally, all this activity captivated my interest and
I was simply mesmerised watching bees going flower
to flower, cabbage butterflies bouncing back and forth
amongst the blossoms, and crawly things (beetles) sitting
about leaves. Caterpillars as well caught my attention.

When grandma (who lived next door) saw me closely
eyeing all these things up close she handed me some of
her empty pill bottles of varying sizes and well -- I was hooked.

By the next summer, mom would buy me my 1st butterfly net
at the local (five and dime) store, Then my adventures became
more interesting !

In time, my range became broader and local fields became accessible
and it has been a fulfilling and everlasting passion/interest all
my life. I've visited South America (twice) and the Dominican Republic
(once) as field collecting excursions.

I shall do this until I am no more....
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by 58chevy »

Entomologist, your story is very captivating. You have obvious talent as a writer. You should consider expanding your adventures with your grandfather into a novel or non-fiction book. Robert Michael Pyle (American lepidopterist) published several award-winning books about his explorations of the natural world. A movie based on one of his books was also made. Your style of writing is just as good as his and could possibly lead to a lucrative publishing contract.
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by EdTomologist »


Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! I truly appreciate your compliment on my writing style and the suggestion to expand my adventures with my grandfather into a novel or non-fiction book. It's a wonderful idea, and I can see how it would be a great opportunity to share my experiences and passion for entomology with a wider audience.

While I do enjoy writing and have received positive feedback on my storytelling, I must admit that my academic and professional pursuits have been quite diverse. During my university years, not too long ago, I delved into various fields of study. Science coursework, such as protein metabolism, biology, chemistry, and animal behavior, formed most of my studies. Additionally, I majored in a foreign language and spent a considerable amount of time conducting genetic research in the lab while also working as a language teacher along with other shenanigans.

Throughout my travels and collecting endeavors, which have taken me to around a dozen countries and counting, I have maintained meticulous written documentation of my experiences. I find great joy in preserving the details of each collection and adventure. Although I have yet to compile these accounts into a book, I am open to the idea of combining creative works with my scientific research undertakings in the future. It would be incredible to inspire future generations with my stories and contribute to the preservation of my experiences beyond my entomological collection and scientific works.

Currently, I am continuing my education, but I have been blessed with some free time to explore other pursuits and hobbies, including entomology. I believe that by immersing myself in various endeavors, I can gain a more well-rounded perspective and enrich my understanding of the world.

I must address a minor misconception, for which I bear the responsibility of not having clarified earlier. The Victorian illustrations accompanying my text, regrettably, bear no personal connection to me or my cherished grandfather, who regrettably departed this mortal coil approximately four years ago. However, I hold his memory dear, his wisdom a beacon that continues to guide me in my pursuits.

Regarding my beloved insect collection, which has garnered requests for further glimpses, rest assured, my dear friends, that I shall fulfill your wishes. The act of capturing new images is all that remains before I unveil the visual marvels within my possession. Although I must caution that little has changed since the previous shared InsectNet & Collector Secret pictures, I shall not falter in my commitment to bestow upon you the enchanting sight of these specimens.
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by Chuck »

Entomologist, what name did you go by previously?
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by EdTomologist »

Hey Chuck,

Regarding my username, I initially filled in "Entomologist" as my name, but unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to change it once it's been set. I've been trying to figure out how to modify it, but I haven't had any luck so far. Maybe Wollastoni, one of the moderators here, can shed some light on how to change usernames or if it's even possible. As for adding an avatar, I'm also struggling to figure it out. Perhaps Wollastoni can provide some guidance on that too.

On a more exciting note, I've got some time this summer to catch up on four-plus years' worth of backlogged specimens. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm confident that I'll make some progress. It might be small steps at first, but it will definitely be worth it. I can't wait to dive back into my leps!

By the way, I'm not sure what I went by on the old forum since I get an expired domain message when I click it. In terms of the Collectors Secret Forum and Actias, I haven't used it since high school. But I go by the name Ed (same Ed as the swap box and P. glaucus a couple years ago). It's nice to have a new username, though it would be even better if I could change it.

Looking forward to catching up with you and everyone else on the forum. Let's keep the entomology discussions buzzing!
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by wollastoni »

entomologist wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 1:25 am Regarding my username, I initially filled in "Entomologist" as my name, but unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to change it once it's been set. I've been trying to figure out how to modify it, but I haven't had any luck so far. Maybe Wollastoni, one of the moderators here, can shed some light on how to change usernames or if it's even possible. As for adding an avatar, I'm also struggling to figure it out. Perhaps Wollastoni can provide some guidance on that too.
Yes, I can modify your ursername for you, please send me a private message with the new username you want.
To add an avatar, see this topic in the Technical section of the forum : How to update your profile and avatar ?
By the way, Chuck, please add an avatar too. The forum would look nicer. :)
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by EdTomologist »

wollastoni wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 8:19 am
entomologist wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 1:25 am Regarding my username, I initially filled in "Entomologist" as my name, but unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to change it once it's been set. I've been trying to figure out how to modify it, but I haven't had any luck so far. Maybe Wollastoni, one of the moderators here, can shed some light on how to change usernames or if it's even possible. As for adding an avatar, I'm also struggling to figure it out. Perhaps Wollastoni can provide some guidance on that too.
Yes, I can modify your ursername for you, please send me a private message with the new username you want.
To add an avatar, see this topic in the Technical section of the forum : How to update your profile and avatar ?
By the way, Chuck, please add an avatar too. The forum would look nicer. :)
Avatar update mystery solved, but alas, private message prowess eludes my newbie status. No worries, though! I'll rock my current username until the creative thunder strikes or a brilliant suggestion comes my way. Thanks for the help wollastoni! Stay awesome!
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Re: Share Your Story

Post by wollastoni »

Very nice avatar !
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