Tiger Swallowtails of NY: Finger Lakes, Part II

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Re: Tiger Swallowtails of NY: Finger Lakes, Part II

Post by Chuck »

Cabintom wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 6:17 pm Just came across this paper: "Determination of a New Spring-flying Species of the Pterourus glaucus Complex (Papilionidae) in Southern New England" https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/view ... ext=taxrpt
Thanks Tom, I do appreciate your flagging this!

Now, when do we get an update from you????
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Re: Tiger Swallowtails of NY: Finger Lakes, Part II

Post by Cabintom »

Chuck wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 2:56 pm Now, when do we get an update from you????
I wish I had update worthy things to say! I was in Canada from December through August, so no new adventures in the recent past and I probably won't get a chance to do any real collecting until January next year. I am still working on a paper in which I'll be describing a couple new species, but with work and family obligations that's been going a lot more slowly than I had hoped.
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