Papilio machaon from Sichuan, Identification please.

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Wu Ming Hsuan
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Papilio machaon from Sichuan, Identification please.

Post by Wu Ming Hsuan »

Does anyone know which subspecies this is? The location is Mt. Gonggashan in the Ganzi area of Sichuan, at an elevation of 3000m. My guess is that it could either be Papilio machaon verityi or Papilio machaon archias.

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Re: Papilio machaon from Sichuan, Identification please.

Post by adamcotton »

This should be Papilio archias, not P. verityi which has a much larger red anal eye spot, normally without any black edge along the lower margin of the eye spot, and also has even longer tails.

Note that both are separate species from each other and from P. machaon. Also P. verityi does not occur that far north.

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