Proportion of wing deformities by taxon?

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Proportion of wing deformities by taxon?

Post by Chuck »

I spread a pair of Speyeria Cybele from PA yesterday and was chagrinned that the female's wings are deformed- waffled, not fully expanded, etc. I'm not talking about different colors or patterns in the wings, but in the shape and expansion in the wings.

I do not know the cause of deformities- are they genetic, from eclosion difficulties, or inability to fully expand wings upon eclosion?

In any event, it seems that wing deformities are more common in some taxa/ taxon. I see minor deformities fairly regularly in wild Antheraea polyphemus; missshapened FW in Papilio, including MST but more commonly in polyxenes. But the highest rate of deformities seems to be in Speyeria.

I can't recall ever seen a Skipper with deformed wings.

Any insights?
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