A great year for elfins
A great year for elfins
Early this May is the time for elfins in Central Ontario. But this year was a great year for these little brown critters. There are five species in this area, and four of the five were as numerous as I have ever seen. The more rare one in the group, the bog elfin (Callophrys lanoraieensis) was also seen in multiple bogs this year, and I was fortunate to see my first ones. The other four species, brown (C. augustinus), hoary (C. polios), henry's (C. henrici), and eastern pine (C. niphon) were found in mass all over central Ontario. In my favourite elfin spot, I saw well over 100 elfins in a 3 hour period. Here
are a few elfin pics from a couple of weeks ago.Re: A great year for elfins
In the previous post, the elfins in order are hoary, brown, and bog. The two that follow here are eastern pine and henry's.
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