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Bug found on outside walls

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:38 am
by JakJunior001

I’m currently in England, Yorkshire if it helps.

Recently had my house rendered and started to notice these bugs slowly climbing up the walls, they seem to disappear and night when its cold and reappear during daylight but don’t have a clue where they go. Seem to start without wings and some look the same with wings so guessing they grow them over time.

Just wondering if they’re harmful to dogs or children and where they actually come from and what causes them to come.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Bug found on outside walls

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 8:09 am
by adamcotton
It's an aphid (often known as greenfly), and is harmless to animals or humans. Some adults are winged, others never develop them. They pierce plants and suck their sap for food, so probably they are living on a plant or tree near the walls.
