InsectNet forum rules

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InsectNet forum rules

Post by wollastoni »

Welcome to the new version of the InsectNet forum. InsectNet, created in 1999, is the largest international online community of insect collectors.

Here are the rules of our forum:
- Be nice !
- Requests for insect identification must be accompanied by a locality so that our members can give you a correct identification.
- New members should present themselves in the Presentation topic.
- Please use latin names instead of common names when you know them (we are a scientific forum + common names are not known worldwide)
- No commercial posts on the forum. To rent a banner, visit our "Advertise" page.
- No politics
- No religion
- No insulting

Posts that do not respect our rules will be edited by the moderation team. The moderators will specify why the post was edited.
Members who do not respect these rules may be excluded.
Scammers and spammers will be excluded immediately.
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Re: InsectNet forum rules

Post by lamprima2 »

Dear wollastoni,
What is the max kb/gb for the pictures?
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Re: InsectNet forum rules

Post by wollastoni »

Dear lamprima2, see here : How to upload pictures ?.
Max 800 kb
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