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light fuse here

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:17 am
by kevinkk
So, it's been a long day today, and I thought I'd provide some pointless insight into my personality. It might be road rumminess.
Anyway, soon, here in the USA, will come the day many of us will never give up- the day we get to blow up part of the country.
I spent all day driving out of state to buy consumer grade fireworks, everything that's fun and cool is illegal here in Oregon,
so, the determined get in the car to become one of problem people on Independence Day, the summer I spent in Indiana was
like a gift from any random deity, firecrackers, rockets, mortar shells...but not here in the northwest, my little town tried
to make all fireworks(sparklers too) illegal a few months ago, and the city council must have got chewed up, they like passing things when nobody is looking.
Now, the firework ban doesn't go into effect until after 07/04/22, and then we get to vote on it in Nov. I was part of a city sponsored
fireworks workshop a couple years ago because I'd spoken about the issue at a city council meeting, one pair of brainiacs wanted a
"ban on all illegal fireworks" I'm not kidding. Ok, I let the double negative go, because it would have been rude to point out their
stupidity, but it's still funny. We get a lot of tourists, and they like to come to the beach and raise hell, it's just the way it is.

Re: light fuse here

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:36 am
by Chuck
Fireworks have been illegal in NY as long as I can remember. You’d not know it on july 4. Cops only bother anyone when someone gets hurt.

Lay on ground. Light fuse. Get away.

Re: light fuse here

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:33 pm
by kevinkk
Chuck, that's great advice. I have a good story about antique firecrackers, Ebay and how much money a pack of 50 year old firecrackers
can fetch. That's if you haven't lit them off before you find out that people collect firecracker art, and it's worth more if it's got the firecrackers,
ruthless bidding, we got 450.00 a pack for firecrackers we'd been lighting off before I ran across a listing for firecracker artwork. Not easy to
make a transaction though, for what should be obvious reasons, it's all prohibited.