Looking for specimen for Photography

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Looking for specimen for Photography

Post by Aljosha »

Hello everyone

I just registered and would like to tell a bit more about myself. My name is Aljosha and I have been doing antkeeping for 14 years now. I recently got hired as a specimen collector for a research study on the butterfly Melanitis leda. Doing this project a passion for butterfly collecting arose for me in South africa. However my partner is doing her PhD in nature conservation and we will be moving back to Europe for her to complete her study.

Through having my own collection in Belgium and South africa, and already having a passion for macrophotography, I found myself photographing the specimens I caught and bought in 4-8K high quality resolution + being able to restore damanged butterflies back to 100% again since I am a graphic designer and illustrator by trade (using photoshop). I amassed a following of around 15K people on instagram, and some months millions of views, sharing these pictures. Myself, I don't gain anything money related out of it, more as a passion and a hobby, exposing more people to the beauty of these amazing creatures. On my instagram you can see all these pictres: https://www.instagram.com/aljoshad_/ I uploaded a few to the site yet the 800Kb limit is not doing them well ! :lol:

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in any professional pictures of butterflies, shipping them to me and having pictures taken of the specimen. These could be for all uses, personal use, websites, products etc. or just having that high quality picture. I am however unable to buy all specimens, hence this post. I am definitly willing to pay for some of them if need be. Would any of you be willing to help this small collector out ?

Kind regards Aljosha
some pictures.jpg
some pictures.jpg (421.29 KiB) Viewed 1918 times
Ornithoptera priamus low res.jpg
Ornithoptera priamus low res.jpg (484.2 KiB) Viewed 1918 times
low res file size.jpg
low res file size.jpg (373.86 KiB) Viewed 1918 times
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