Papilio nephelus ssp. from Java

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Papilio nephelus ssp. from Java

Post by Leonard187 »

I got a specimen of Papilio nephelus from a dealer and he told me it was from Java. I' ve never seen the subspecies from Java (might be nominate?), but this one seems similar as ssp. sunatus from Malay Peninsula. So I think it might be mis-marking. I tried to sign the subspecies of P. nephelus and P. chaon on the map according to some data but I donot know whether it is correct, and may I get some advice and corrections?Thanks.
P nephelus.jpg
P nephelus.jpg (135.22 KiB) Viewed 2236 times
P nephelus 2.jpg
P nephelus 2.jpg (158.65 KiB) Viewed 2236 times
map.jpg (64.45 KiB) Viewed 2236 times
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