Anybody purchased from Insectrum?

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Anybody purchased from Insectrum?

Post by mothman55 »

I tried placing an order from this website and all is well in selecting specimens and loading into cart. Problem occurs when trying to process payment, always get an error page saying 0-reCAPTCHA.... which I believe is an anti robot gate. I have sent an email to their contact email, no response as yet. I am in Canada, not sure where they are, although they list numerous countries in their index. It appears they may have locations in USA, UK and Mexico according to their web page.
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Re: Anybody purchased from Insectrum?

Post by Pierre »

See my topic about this company of November 11, 2023 : viewtopic.php?t=1291
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Re: Anybody purchased from Insectrum?

Post by mothman55 »

Thanks Pierre, didn't know he had an eBay site as well. Sent him a message through eBay and he responded that the Insectrum UK site checkout is disabled for now. And unfortunately he does not have any more of what I was looking for.
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Re: Anybody purchased from Insectrum?

Post by Pierre »

Not a serious business indeed...
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