Zoom mtg: Leps of NW Louisiana

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Zoom mtg: Leps of NW Louisiana

Post by 58chevy »

February ABF Zoom: Lepidoptera of NW Louisiana - Monday, Feb. 26th @ 7:00pm Central Time

Mike Quinn via listserv.uh.edu
Feb 25, 2024, 7:17 PM (13 hours ago)


The Austin Butterfly Forum speaker this month will be Entomologist Royal Tyler, who will speak to us on Lepidoptera of Northwest Louisiana.

February Zoom Meeting

Monday, 26th, at 7 pm central time (Dallas/Chicago)

Lepidoptera of NW Louisiana and How I Document Them, presented by Entomologist Royal Tyler, of NW Louisiana

Royal Tyler will initially cover how he got started documenting nature, and Leps in particular. What his light setups are, what type of cameras he has used, daytime versus nighttime photography, and then go through some of his research papers and findings (primarily on micromoths). Royal will then focus on the butterflies of Louisiana and how he plans to find more species in 2024 and photograph them, and how he plans to find the rare ones.

Royal is a life-long well rounded naturalist who primarily worked in natural resource management in his early years before starting his own business 6 years ago to sell lawn care and pest control products. This has freed Royal up to pursue his passion for nature a little deeper, especially for conducting research and writing papers. He has primarily published on lepidoptera and bee fauna of NW Louisiana. Royal enjoys photographing and studying the microfauna that we know less about, and which present a challenge to get "just right shot" for identification.

Royal has published the only detailed study of native bees in NW Louisiana where he found several unidentified species that may be new to science, and he has expanded the known range of several species of bees. Royal has documented and published host plant information and life cycle data on several lesser known species of micromoths. Many of his papers can be seen here: https://independent.academia.edu/RoyalTyler/Papers

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Our meetings are open to all. The zoom link will open ~6:30 pm for anyone wanting to visit with our speaker beforehand. Presentations generally last an hour with a Q&A session afterwards.

image (1).png
Red-tailed Specter Moth (Euerythra phasma, Arctiinae, Erebidae) - Royal Tyler


Mike Quinn, vp programs
Austin Butterfly Forum
512-577-0250 - voice or text
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Re: Zoom mtg: Leps of NW Louisiana

Post by 58chevy »

Contact Mike Quinn if you can't access the zoom link.
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