Chasing Butterflies for Money in 1917

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Chasing Butterflies for Money in 1917

Post by 58chevy »

This article is from is from The Book of Modern Marvels, published in 1917. If anyone wants a higher-res version that is legible, send me a PM.
CBM1-Lo Res.jpg
CBM1-Lo Res.jpg (706.27 KiB) Viewed 5830 times
CBM2-Lo Res .jpg
CBM2-Lo Res .jpg (739.22 KiB) Viewed 5830 times
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Re: Chasing Butterflies for Money in 1917

Post by boghaunter1 »

58 Chevy, Many Thanks for sending along the article... very much appreciated!

John K.
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Re: Chasing Butterflies for Money in 1917

Post by Chuck »

Thanks for posting. With some difficulty I read that posted here!
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