Lep publications and paywalls

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Lep publications and paywalls

Post by Chuck »

I've noted a decrease in public availability of new Lep papers.

While it's been common lately to have them behind paywalls , previously I'd be able to dig them up elsewhere (e.g., institution associated with the authors.) By paywall, I am being inclusive: 1. pay to access 2. allow access to your email contacts 3. provide your email address. While the latter two don't involve transfer of cash, they are a profit center by which your email (and your associates') are used for gain.

Other outlets limit access to institutional email addresses. No institution or big-money bio firm address, no access.

Why? To what benefit is this to the authors or their institutions?

Why not make all papers easily and generally available?

Yes, there are work-arounds like Ask Adam or beg for an institutional afilliation and email; the question is who makes the decision on which outlet controls access, and why?
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