Late summer here in Illinois and many of our
surrounding states brings with it the beginings
of "Colias" season. It is at this time that species
such as the Orange Sulphur (C. eurytheme) and
Common Sulphur (C. philodice) reach their
greatest numbers. While it may not be so evident
around towns and cities where very little arable
land is present; outside of these areas in our more
rural spaces these little yellow butterflies abound !
Both of these common species offer beautiful males
along with females of two diffrent color forms. White
form (females) do seem to be a little tougher to find
in any numbers and can be confused on the wing with
cabbage butterflies (P. rapae). The more commonly
encountered (yellow) females offer quite a bit of nice
variation to be seen.
September is a STRONG month for these here with
their numbers tapering off by mid-October. To view
an alfalfa/clover field in full bloom with 50 or more
of these butterflies "hobnobbing" about pollinating
flowers, looking for mates, or chasing off others
within their territories is simply an endearing sight.
Its a field ALIVE with life and natures wonder to behold !
Yesterday's outing (my second) in as many days was a
pretty good one with 15 nice ones. Though, one might think
these are easy to land I can say they are not necessarily. The
C. eurytheme males are VERY wary customers and females
of both species seem to prefer "hiding in the grass" unless
These are beautiful timeless butterflies to appreciate in any
collection and their beauty keeps giving long after another
year's season has passed....
Colias season in the Upper midwest states.
Re: Colias season in the Upper midwest states.
Beautiful specimens & excellent job of spreading (as usual)
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