World Swallowtail Day 2024

Important news, upcoming events, etc.
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World Swallowtail Day 2024

Post by adamcotton »

Today is World Swallowtail Day, organised by the Swallowtail and Birdwing Butterfly Trust on 8 June every year.

This year the free video presentations focus on Parnassiinae and Baronia.
Here is a list of the videos:

Welcome to the Saving Swallowtails Conference 2024 - Dr Mark Collins

Diversity and Geography of the Apollos and their Allies: a Brief Introduction - Dr Dick Vane-Wright

Phylogenomics of Parnassiinae - Noémie Hévin

Population Dynamics of Alpine Parnassius smintheus Butterflies - Prof Jens Roland

Baronia brevicornis : Ecology and Conservation - Prof Jorge Contreras Garduño

Metapopulation Context in Apollo Butterfly Conservation: Pieniny National Park - Dr Paweł Adamski

Challenges & Limitations in Managing the Apollo Butterfly in Med. Habitats - Prof Joaquín Baixeras

On the Edge: Archon, Allancastria and Zerynthia in Eastern Europe - Dr Michael de Courcy Williams

Bhutanitis in China: Conservation and Challenges - Dr Shao-Ji Hu

The Ecology and Conservation of Parnassius, Luehdorfia and Sericinus in Japan - Motoki Saito

The full programme can be accessed here:

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